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Saturday 30 July 2011

One day in the summer

One day in the summer, my mother and I were relaxing in the sitting room while watching television. Then my father came back from work. He walks towards the sitting room. The smile from he's face shows a great news. Then he told us that we will move to Malaysia next week. Suddenly I felt upset.

                    I do not want to lift my home. Here is the first I knew alphabet and here is the first I knew the meaning of true friend. He wants to move there because he will be shifted and be a branch manager at a place name Penang Island .I will miss my friend here in Canada.
                      SEVEN DAYS LATER, we will be living now. After I had finished packed my things, I ran to my friend and said farewell to them. I cried because I very love this place. A few minutes later, my father call me because we had to go now. My best friend gave to me our picture together as memories. Then my father drives the car to airport and we began our trip for a new life at Malaysia.